how it works

Puplers blend the raw material, mix it with water and non-fibre material is removed

Machines pull pulp onto moulds and remove water by applying a vacuum to form the product
hot press

The part is pressed and dried by two heated matched halves of a mould
QC & dispatch

Finished parts undergo a quality inspection and they are then stacked and palletisedÂ
We are determined to minimise the environmental impact of our operations and will achieve this through our commitment to:
- Comply fully with all legislation and regulations established for the protection of the environment
- Promote principles, procedures and practices through an environmental management system which will enhance environmental protection
- Regularly review the environmental impact of all our activities in order to minimise waste, prevent pollution, improve resource efficiency and continually improve environmental performance and sustainability
- Involve and motivate all employees through environmental awareness training and environmental procedures that will enable all staff toper- form in environmentally responsible manner
- Continue to work in an environmentally responsible way with our key suppliers to encourage them to achieve best practice